Sensible Steps to Help Keep Your Car Longer

Thanks to the Great Recession, a lower percentage of Americans have been trading old cars for new ones, each year since. The fact that people are keeping their vehicles longer than before is alarming. As the average age of a car on the road today is estimated to be around 11 years. With that in mind and with the cost of a new car being about $31,000 on average, deciding to keep your car…

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  So, here are all the essential steps, taking which will guarantee a fresh and a spruced up look for your vehicle: 1 Make sure that before you start, that car is not exposed to any direct sunlight. This will cut the premature drying short which can make car’s paint cover with splotches. 2 Do […]

Autolavaggio Bari: il lavaggio auto semplice e professionale

L’autolavaggio Armenise è a tua disposizione a Bari Noi della famiglia Armenise di Bari da anni offriamo i migliori servizi di lavaggio di auto, moto, camper e roulotte. Utilizziamo solo prodotti specifici, altamente professionali ed efficaci, che donano al tuo veicolo pulizia e igiene, rendendolo pulito e profumato come quando l’hai appena acquistato. Siamo aperti […]